Sunday, December 5, 2010

What if he stayed home?

First of all let's agree that what happened is wrong.

Looking at the wide picture:

He started a channel for over a year and half reviling ticking swearing and stereo typing people "bado".

And no one stopped him in the name of freedom of speech. All what he did was letting us hating each other "7athar v bado" and the story goes on and on.

Yesterday he came to our seminar -from the back door- then he walked all the way through the crowd -no one ever touched him- until he looked at the screen while Musallam AL-Barrak was talking he spit on him and showed a finger to the crowd here some ran to hit him.

As organizers we ran to cover him and took all of the beaten instead then we're the ones to be blamed?

Now what if he stayed home? Will that happen????
What if he came from the front door would that have happened???
What if he didn't spit and showed a finger???
What if we didn't get involved and saved him from the crowds???


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Babble said...

To be fair, yes, he should NOT have spat BUT...there is a massive difference in spitting on one person and being attacked by hundreds.
One man against 100 men has never and will never be a fair fight.

Babble said...

I wrote something and it didn't appear so I will try again.
Yes, it's wrong.
Regardless of whether he spat on someone or not, 1 man versus 100 men has never been and will never be a fair fight.
It's just sad to think that this is an islamic nation and this is what we have come to......fighting with our neighbours, family and friends......I pray that there will be a turn of events and we will all live in harmony but I'm afraid it's too late for that. Amtherex website this morning made a nice point, we are turning into a bedo vs non-bedo fighting community and it's not nice. It's sad and makes us as a nation look pathetic.

ZwaiZ said...

its never fair at all 1 v 100 or 1 v 1 but when u start a fight u have to accept the consequences .. what makes me sad is wer in 2010 and wer still stereo typing ppl bedo v non-bedo arab v persians etc. God bless Kuwait

Anonymous said...

People decide on what they want to believe. Bad press, rivalry, hatred, rage, envy, and igonarce; all exist everywhere it can't be denied. No one should be blamed for this except the ones who actually were physical. They had a choice and they chose to be brutal.

Jwaihel risked himself to prove a point. Hadn't he been there and been offensive, then he wouldn't have had the satisfaction of proving it. He knew exactly what he was getting himself into.

If people want Kuwait to change to the better, they should first begin with themselves.