Awal marra eb 7ayati et6eer 3ani e6ayara i was so down lidarajat mashouf jidami bas a voice madri men wain 6ala3 egouli calm down "enough drama hehehe" so bedal la amid el-bouz we tried to solve it out o 7ajazna on new flight cuz i dont want to miss this game bedal lan6eer Kuwait Doha - Doha Manchester sawaina this trip Kuwait Doha - Doha London - London Manchester khangoul 6irna men likuwait esa3a 5:30 wesalna Manchester esa3a 8:15 belail ya3ni 15 sa3a ; yes "ekhbal" bas wallah was worth it weli em7aleyha el-bahthala o ewyouhna eli sa7at o yabeelha "tharb aouti"
niyey 7ag el-game 2nd champions leauge match for me 2-0 win final 8 saw vidic score (new player to the list) weli yami el3anat khayri etshaji3 dakhil athouni my friend kan 7ada excited thani game erou7la o first eb OT a7la shay when he asked "zain shloun etha abi ticket 7ag mobarat liverpool" hehehehe. Jaw kan khayali bas baard yeah and we lost 25 pounds on bettin hehehe he paid the money and i set the bet yebt 1/2Ha sa7 i said 2-0 o berbato score first bas mathbi6at anyways makena ra7 nistifeed men liflous lo riba7na bas tajroba 7ilwa when wer waitin to hit it right "DONT TRY THIS AT HOME". one of the old men ga3id jedamna baghaina na6libla es3af e3asib wesarikh we3youna te6la3 barra o yeltefit ekalim el-jumhour maybe he want to be sure ena hes alive "i dunno" bas kisar kha6ri maskeen wayed meshta6. 6ab3an makhalas el-game ela e7na bas mayteen endawir lifrash o gabil enouma gimna enhalwisi hate it when i want to sleep 'n remember that mo emsali ; hehehe shi3our 7ada khayis "la aseed lifrash kelish mo men masla7ta" hehehe
yalla l8rs ;)
niyey 7ag el-game 2nd champions leauge match for me 2-0 win final 8 saw vidic score (new player to the list) weli yami el3anat khayri etshaji3 dakhil athouni my friend kan 7ada excited thani game erou7la o first eb OT a7la shay when he asked "zain shloun etha abi ticket 7ag mobarat liverpool" hehehehe. Jaw kan khayali bas baard yeah and we lost 25 pounds on bettin hehehe he paid the money and i set the bet yebt 1/2Ha sa7 i said 2-0 o berbato score first bas mathbi6at anyways makena ra7 nistifeed men liflous lo riba7na bas tajroba 7ilwa when wer waitin to hit it right "DONT TRY THIS AT HOME". one of the old men ga3id jedamna baghaina na6libla es3af e3asib wesarikh we3youna te6la3 barra o yeltefit ekalim el-jumhour maybe he want to be sure ena hes alive "i dunno" bas kisar kha6ri maskeen wayed meshta6. 6ab3an makhalas el-game ela e7na bas mayteen endawir lifrash o gabil enouma gimna enhalwisi hate it when i want to sleep 'n remember that mo emsali ; hehehe shi3our 7ada khayis "la aseed lifrash kelish mo men masla7ta" hehehe
yalla l8rs ;)
good to hear you had fun :)
Hehehe thanks Yazaaaaaan
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
First of all im glad u read my blog im really lost of words but all i can say now is THANK YOU ill keep workin hard to improve myself ;)
stay tuned
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