Couple of months ago friend asked me for favoure weli makan mafrouth eni asaweyha bas gilt since iv been asked indirectly khal a7awil asa3id cuz i hate it when i ask for sumthin o arja3 empty handed.
el-mouhim the thingy kan direct communication so i asked for her number in order to show her the place she wanted to be and guide her to one of the offices then came the answer "sorry i cant give u my number" i told her "3adi its ok" cuz sawait eli 3alay o akthar men chethi magdar akhadim 3ogba she told me "but i can give u my buisness number" and that cracked me up hehehehe ya3ni shefrigat business number 3an any normal number why do ppl carry 100 of numbers shay 7ag business o shay 7ag family 'n frenz o shay for home dilivery? so that was the hit 7azatHa maybe its old bas ana tawni a6ee7 3al 7araka o the new thingy is BBP?
Everyone is postin his/her bbp on msn aw facebook ya3ni from wut i know kel wa7ed 3enda his privacey wela shifrigat postin the bbp men postin the mobile number? o the funny thing some of the profiles el-email is hidden while the bbp is shining bel status hehehe welcome to the new era of teriqim wish i was 5yrs younger ;)
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5 hours ago
a business number is a line u get each time u get a new job, u only give it to the ppl u work with or related to that job... if u were on a vacation, u turn off that line and enjoy ur vacation, if u quit that job u cut off the line so u still have ur personal number with close ppl to u and u dun have to change ur number each time u think this job isnt the one for me n i wanna quit it or u got fired or sumthin
ur close friends and family can know yer business number but the work n the ppl u work with CAN'T know yer personal number.
there, hope that changes yer mind ;)
kalamich 100% o a3arfa hatha lo kan sij 3endich job bas if ur still student its different case ;)
etha student shmala uses the BUSINESS term :p
Hmmmmmmm madri hehehe thats wut im askin for d;r
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