7awalt adawer soura san3a 7ag mestashfa esaba7 bas malegait. ma3alaina mo ela i guess el-kil e3arfa anyways last sunday re7t asawi MRI ehnak o ams yani phone call askin me for other tests cuz the MRI wasnt clear 6ab3an estaghrabt she6ari dageen 3alay el-3ada arou7 astelim yaaaaaaalla egoloun ee sar katha o katha el-mouhim sawouli maw3id within 2days?? ola shda3wa 2days khabir mowa3eedkoum bel ashHir yalla erzigna o e6libaw meni blood test o ashi3ati el-qadeema eee o the doctor 3a6ani emaila to send him my reports??
3ad el-yoom re7t asawi el-blood test wela maykhalis ela sunday shilt shalayli o re7t mestashfa esaba7 tellin them o shloun o mayamdi ajlaw maw3edi chan ye6la3 weyay el-doctor erou7 maktiba wekalim another doctor bel radiology o anzil ta7at astelim new blood test request then to Sabah Hospital asawi my blood test o an6er sa3a 3ala maykhalis warid el-beit Akil cuz emsawmeeni eb sibat hal blood test ;(
Eshay eli sarli 7adi estaghrabt mena ya3ni macheni bel Kuwait cuz ta3awadna 3al te6inish wel ehmal but wut i saw today was amazin o shloun they treated me as special case 3adatan 6ageti o 6agat el-chalb wa7da unless i have was6a hehehe o hatha eli khalani asa`al rou7i etha 3endina kil hal emkaniyat laish mestashfayatna ezbala wel mabani chena Resident Evil 5?
LA’s Go Greek Yogurt is Now in Kuwait
Go Greek Yogurt is an LA-based brand known for its authentic Greek yogurt,
and they recently opened in Kuwait. They are a favorite among celebrities
in LA,...
5 hours ago
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