Thursday, April 30, 2009


wasnt goin to write about it bas e3nad ya bo6rouq hehehe ;)
i was freakin annoyed yesterday cuz i hate it when someone stick his nose into somethin specially when their not cheerin for any of the teams. bas 3ogib eli sar ill never ever watch a United game in dowaniya not even on elections day
enjoy the highlights

Sunday, April 26, 2009

And Off Comes the Shirt

Offfffffffffff sada3t wana ashouf el-game ams 0-2 down o loserfool fayzeen o 7anat eshabab bedouwaniya gilt laysidouni kelish mo wagta ;(

3ad gabil layabdi el-game i was watchin EPL classic laman marra spurs kanaw 6ageena 3-0 o galabna 3alaihoum eshou6 ethani 3-5 bas kelish matewaqa3t ena it will happen again ;). mabrouk Mancuans o inshallah edawri soon. to all who missed the game enjoy the highlights

Friday, April 24, 2009

كلمة للناخبين

the video speaks itself mako shay agoula

Monday, April 20, 2009

Why Ahmed AL-Sadoun?

El-kil eshouf A7mad eSi3doun eb 6areeqa ghair 3an ethanya nas eta`ayda o nas et3artha. eli ea`aydouna 3endihoum 100 sibab weli thida ham nafs eshay bas laish ana weya el-3am A7mad?

el-wa7eed fey majlis el-omma eli yamlik khi6ab siyasi aw khalni agoul men el-qilla. 3enda el-qodra ena yetkalam fey kil el-mowathee3 o eb adaq etafaseel eqtisad siyasa si77a riyatha o kalama yousal 7ag el-ensan el-mitkhasis aw el-mowa6in el-basee6. thakira khayaliya "mashallah" ya36i esalfa belyoom wetareekh wesina wel asami chena ga3id yegra men jarida.

3omra o 7ayata marifa3 wala qathiya sa7afiya 3ala a7ad foug kil eli enkitab 3anna weli yousal el-entiqad lemar7alat eshitima lakin masima3na eb yoom ena emqadim shakwa o kan erid 3alaihoum bel 7ijja. mosharri3 men edaraja el-aoula siyagha qanouniya eb shakil efeed el-balad o maykoun fey en3ikas 3alaih aw thaghra a7ad yesteghilha. eraa`aees el-wa7eed fey majlis el-omma eli kan yanzil men el-minasa ley maqa3id ennowab except marra o aw maretain nizal fihoum eraa`aees esabiq eM7ammad el-3adsani.

El-janib ethani men el-3am a7mad ohwa el-janib el-ensani kitheer eli eshofouna fey monasabat rasmiya jalsat majlis el-omma aw 3irs aw moa`atamar aw eftita7 7adath lakin qillah eli shafouh obou o shloun mo3amalta weya e3yala qilla eli shafouh shloun yet3amal ma3a rab3a ethi7ik wel qashmara wesouwalif o qilla nadra eli shafouh yet3amal weya a7fada. Yesma3 kil kilma ewajhounha lah o mayqa6i3 ela lisabab wa7ed etha el-kalam kan emis shakhsiya mo mawjouda wesalfa maqsoud menha etajree7. mayertha ena yet3arath 7ag a7ad 3ashan ohwa yabriz o maydakhil ay khilaf shakhsi wala ewathfa 3ashan yakhdim masla7ta.

fey majlis 92 makent a3aref shesalfa 3omri 10 esneen bas S L obouy o omi o kanaw egoloun codes weli kent afhima A7mad eSi3doun laish ena 3endina bel Khaldiya. Majlis 96 ya3ni a7awil agra jarayed o hamni fouza eb beria`asa o bedait atabi3 3al khafeef. Majlis 99 shadni laish ena awal marra ashouf 7al eb 7ayati o atharat feeni khasarta eria`asa o kelmita eli lil7een 7afithHa. Majlis 03 estithna`ai laish ena kan 3alaih 7amla o naqil aswat eb shakil mo 6abee3i o kan egreeb men el-khasara. Majlis 06 o qathiyat edawaEir el-5 kan awal marra asharik feyha bel entikhabat o awal marra a3eesh eshi3our ena barou7 asawit. 08 fasart 3an ther3ani o sharakt bel 7amla lintekhabiya 7ag A7mad eSi3doun tajroba makanat 3adiya kan shay foug el-khayal o menha wana em3asir el-3am a7mad.

A7mas eSi3doun maho raa`aees majlis ommah sabiq A7mad eSi3doun maho 3itho majlis ommah sabiq A7mad eSi3doun obou thalith ley men ba3ad el-walid o yadi allah yer7ima.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Matter Of Life & Death

Wutever happens today ill always luv United

ehda`a khas to فريج سعود

Ghal6an Ya Bashar!!

"النائب السابق البراك يتهجم على المرشحة أسيل العوضي لانتقادها نواب الصراخ في ندوة الجامعة الأمريكية"

Mo men 3awaydi aktib 3an mowathee3 chethi bas eli 7asal bel cham yoom eli 6afaw shay mo6abee3i. Ghal6an ya Bashar eMsallam matahajam 3ala Aseel eMsallam Sadha 3end el-18 o dashlaha kabs!!.

La ga3id adafi3 3an eMsallam wala ga3id ahajim Aseel bel 3aks el-athnain yamshoun 3ala kha6 wa6ani o allah ewafigHoum inshallah o lazim 3alaina ensanid el-athnain lakin el-ghareeb bel mawthou3 laish nifta7 bab 7ag enas eli etesayad 3alaina? o men meno enfita7 el-bab? o laish eb hal wagt?

Ley meta eb nig3ad entahawash baina bain ba3ath wenkhali el-3alam yetshamitoun ya3ni matibna men eli sar el-3am? 3al 3imoum ana ma7athart enadwa bas shift post 3end bintalshamiya o men eli shifta ekhtilaf eb wejhat enathar shay momkin iseer eb ay dowaniya o bain ekhwan lakin mashifna tahajoum wala shay

o hatha el-post kamil بيت الشعب

Saturday, April 11, 2009


bas 7abait to make it clear to kil eli youni o galouli ena asawi show o kil eli rasha7ouni to be on saba7 el-wa6an i say sorry no wa6an TV for me. Aqaderlikoum hashay o bel 3aks it makes me proud ena taboun etsa3douni o ur lookin forward to see me cook and i know bein on tv to present my work may open doors for me ana madri 3anha bas I HAVE PRINCIPLES.

mashkoureen o magasartaw and i hope i didnt let u down ;)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


7awalt adawer soura san3a 7ag mestashfa esaba7 bas malegait. ma3alaina mo ela i guess el-kil e3arfa anyways last sunday re7t asawi MRI ehnak o ams yani phone call askin me for other tests cuz the MRI wasnt clear 6ab3an estaghrabt she6ari dageen 3alay el-3ada arou7 astelim yaaaaaaalla egoloun ee sar katha o katha el-mouhim sawouli maw3id within 2days?? ola shda3wa 2days khabir mowa3eedkoum bel ashHir yalla erzigna o e6libaw meni blood test o ashi3ati el-qadeema eee o the doctor 3a6ani emaila to send him my reports??

3ad el-yoom re7t asawi el-blood test wela maykhalis ela sunday shilt shalayli o re7t mestashfa esaba7 tellin them o shloun o mayamdi ajlaw maw3edi chan ye6la3 weyay el-doctor erou7 maktiba wekalim another doctor bel radiology o anzil ta7at astelim new blood test request then to Sabah Hospital asawi my blood test o an6er sa3a 3ala maykhalis warid el-beit Akil cuz emsawmeeni eb sibat hal blood test ;(

Eshay eli sarli 7adi estaghrabt mena ya3ni macheni bel Kuwait cuz ta3awadna 3al te6inish wel ehmal but wut i saw today was amazin o shloun they treated me as special case 3adatan 6ageti o 6agat el-chalb wa7da unless i have was6a hehehe o hatha eli khalani asa`al rou7i etha 3endina kil hal emkaniyat laish mestashfayatna ezbala wel mabani chena Resident Evil 5?

Monday, April 6, 2009

United 3 - 2 Villa

Because of my MRI appointment mashift el-game o men kither ma7athi 7ilo awal mawisalt el-mestashfa wela tawa BBC yanqiloun el-game on the radio after 9min. 6ab3an masima3t shay cuz kent ga3id asfi6. Maw3edi kan 6:30 gilt akhalis 3al 7 o ala7ig 3al shou6 ethani wela 3endi delay sa3a ; ya3ni ezibda allah makitab eni ashouf el-game live o ashwa eni mashiftHa live chan wigaf galbi hehehe mabrouk United Fans o Macheda atwaqa3 3ogib hal goul you should retire ;)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Types of People

There are two types of people. People that leads and people that follows.

Enjoy ;)

Friday, April 3, 2009

18th of Feb. 09

"Ta3al en6erni etha shiftni asoulif weyak marra thanya" hehehe wallah o 3araft meta Akher marra re7na SS.

Shay enarfiz laman el-wa7ed yensa sumthin weli enarfiz akthar laman someone pokes on u for not rememberin "Ma3liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish" al7een abeek etdawer shay thani et6aferni feyh ;)

Sarli cham yoom ana o my friend ga3id en7awil netThakar meta Akher marra re7na feyha Slider Station cuz sij sarlina moda mo ray7een el-mouhim ana nou3i athabit sowalif chethi o i relate it to dates aw events 3ashan atThakar o ma ansa o ohwa masik 3alay salfat SS cuz kelish ray7a 3an bali kil eli i remember ena kena makleen barra o ana madait bouzi cuz kent ga3id asoulif wel akh 7agerni o masik his bb e6ag6ig feyh so i said "ta3al en6erni etha shiftni asoulif weyak marra thanya" chan ebi6Ha the7ik o tha7akt weyah hatha kil eli nathkera 3an thak el-yoom.

Fa el-7abeeb masikHa 3alay kil madag 3alay aw 6ala3na gali yalla gouli meta wana anqehir ezyada 3ad el-yoom he asked the waitress chan etgoula "it was long time ago and u sat outside" 7ilo hathi en3arefha o ba3ad "and sir u didnt order anythin" 3anni ana chan agoulaha la`a i ordered ceaser salad no cheese chan etgoul "yes yes i remeber" ham 7ilween fa giltlaha it was before the National and Liberation day right? ehni e3fisat el-waih giltlaha was it 2 months ago galat la`a bas ana meta`akid ena before 25 o 26 feb chan atThakar ena eb thak el-weekend ahali safaraw o i uploaded the video below on the same date 3ad 6ala3t my mobile washouf el-date wela its the 18th of Feb 09 hehehehe "offffffffffffffff" 7adda ra7aaaaaaaaaa al7eeeen ;)

The Greatest

I came up with this piece after 6 hours of hard work collectin all the pictures i have listenin to different types music but i never thought i will end with this clip specially with no experience in the feild but my love for the Man made me push it harder and harder 'n everytime i think about takin a break i grab my headphone and start workin again.

Since its my first time to work on a clip i wanted the outcome to be very special very unique. The music combinin with the pictures sendin different type of msgs to the audience the emotions and feelings u get when u see the pictures together. I wanted somethin so good to describe the image and the beat at the same time.

Everythin was picked carefully and because HE IS THE ONE fightin for our rights saving us from unknown destiny protectin our constitution for years with all the power He have i figured that the only music fits in this situation is "The Great Gate of Kiev" by Modest Mussorgsky not only because of the rhythm to the ears but also the meaning that it carries.

لأنه إنسان غير عادي حبيت إن يكون هالمقطع غير عادي. يمكن هذا أول كلب لي من هالنوع و كلش ماكان سهل بس حبي و إصراري على إن أسوي شي يليق بمقام هذا الرجل خلاني أسخر كل وقتي و جهدي في سبيل إني أوصل رساله لها أكثر من مضمون و أكثر من معنى. حاولت كثر ما أقدر إني أمزج الصور مع اللحن بطريقه تكون معبره فإخترت مجموعه من الصور إلي عندي مع مقطوعه إسمها "بوابة كييف العظيمه" و هالشي ماكان عبث ليش إن دوره في الدفاع عن الدستور و حماية الأموال العامه يمثل لنا البوابه إلي إذا إنهدمت كان الدخول علينا و إختراق وحدتنا جداً سهل